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Winding Pathways encourages you to create a wonderous yard, whether that yard is an expansive acreage, a suburban lot or a condominium balcony. Go outside and play!

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Pollination Pockets

Pollination Pockets

Worldwide concern over dramatic declines in honeybee populations the past few years have hit the news. These intriguing and highly beneficial insects pollinate thousands of species of flowers, but media reports lead us to believe that they are the only pollinator and the disappearance of honeybees will leave plants unable to pollinate.

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A home and yard can be a place to find peace and tranquility in a stress filled world. Many recent studies reveal that being embraced by nature’s beauty offers stillness that calms the soul. But, it does more. Being in nature lowers blood pressure, stimulates the...

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Even the Tiniest Yard Offers Free Food

Even the Tiniest Yard Offers Free Food

Before the invention of agriculture nearly all people were expert hunters and gatherers. Although our world still provides plenty of wild food, free for the taking, few modern people even realize that delicious food goes unharvested in nearly all unsprayed yards.

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Kid Camping

Kid Camping

Children take to camping out. Even a tiny backyard can easily be converted into a temporary campground. Equipment is simple.

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Tick Time

Many people believe that long cold winters freeze ticks to death so abundance of these pests will be lower the following summer. That isn’t always the case.

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Solving Yard Problems Caused by Woodchucks, Rabbits and Chipmunks

Solving Yard Problems Caused by Woodchucks, Rabbits and Chipmunks

Damage, or perceived damage, often infuriates homeowners. Woodchucks have the uncanny ability to harvest lettuce the day before it is to be picked for an evening salad, and raccoons raid the sweet corn patch the moment ears are ripe. Moles hump up hills of dirt that lawnmowers hit, and skunks mine into the sod for grubs. What’s a homeowner to do?

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Kids love huts. Often they’ll spend hours scouring the neighborhood for enough sticks to build one and spend hours inside a hut’s comfortable embrace reading, texting, or just enjoying its privacy.

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English Sparrows

Few Americans have heard of Nicholas Pike, even though the result of his work is visible in almost every yard throughout the world. In 1852 Pike traveled to England for the Brooklyn Institute, purchased sparrows and had them shipped back to New York City.

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The Ecological Lawn

In this herbicide and mower age too many people believe the perfect lawn is a deep green monoculture of Kentucky bluegrass with nary a weed. Winding Pathways thinks differently. To us the perfect lawn is a vibrant place filled with life. Rather than a monoculture it’s an ever changing blend of many plant species that supports a diversity of fascinating animal life.

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Dandelions by the millions pop up like magic in lawns, along roadsides, and just about anywhere else that sunlight reaches bare soil. They are probably the most recognized and widespread plants in the world.

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Hot moist weather is a boon to crabgrass. This European native was brought to America centuries ago and is a hated lawn and garden weed, yet crabgrass comes with benefits.

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