Welcome to Winding Pathways







Winding Pathways encourages you to create a wonderous yard, whether that yard is an expansive acreage, a suburban lot or a condominium balcony. Go outside and play!

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The world seems stressed now and yet, the tools we can use to help center and calm are sometimes gathering dust as we try to "figure things out."  In this time of Lenten Reflection and approaching Passover, Sheryl Crow's song and lyrics resonate with me.  "Out of Our...

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Spring Into the Mud Season!

Spring Into the Mud Season!

This blog from Community Playthings caught the eye of Winding Pathways.  Indeed, today's society is too concerned with correctness, cleanliness, and convention.  A Buddhist saying goes something like this:  spend twenty minutes outside everyday.  If you think you are...

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Dandelions Never Roar!

Dandelions Never Roar!

As soon as a few warm days arrive early each spring we search our yard at Winding Pathways for two of our favorite plants - Stinging Nettles and Dandelions.  To most people they're weeds. To us they're delicious yard gifts. STINGING NETTLES Stinging nettles are one of...

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Overlooked Preparedness Item*

Overlooked Preparedness Item*

The United States seems to have one storm season followed by another. The year starts with blizzard threats and then transitions into tornado season. That's followed by hurricane season until blizzards again become possible in late fall. Many people have prepared for...

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Titmice – Late Winter Songsters

Titmice – Late Winter Songsters

Nearly everyone who feeds  birds across the eastern United States enjoys luring the black capped chickadee, white breasted nuthatch, downy woodpecker, goldfinch, and cardinal to the yard. All are fascinating nonmigrating birds of  deciduous forests and suburbia. We...

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House Cats Rough On Wildlife*

House Cats Rough On Wildlife*

A recent article in LIVING BIRD Magazine reported that cats kill more than 2.4 billion birds each year in the United States. Their numbers came from the book, CAT WARS, by Peter Marra and Chris Santella.  use cats are fascinating animals that are loved by 600 million...

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Learning from Photovoltaics

Learning from Photovoltaics

To:  Robert Dix, Brad Duggan, and Lisa Henderson  (all helped us with photovolotaic) What we've learned from our PV System  This week our photovoltaic system has given us a great learning opportunity.   We've now had several crystal clear days and the envision...

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Lions in this Here Country!

Lions in this Here Country!

Early one December evening a neighbor was driving home near our home when she spotted movement out of the corner of her eye. Thinking a deer was about to dart in front of her car, she immediately stopped to prevent a collision.  She was astounded when a mountain lion...

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Ice Fishing With Kids

Ice Fishing With Kids

Almost all substances contract as they get colder.  There's one notable exception and it enables life. As water cools, it gets denser. As the temperature continues to drop, cold surface water sinks to the bottom.  When the lake's surface water reaches 39 degrees...

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Light One Candle

Light One Candle

Light One Candle is a ecumenical service and labyirnth walk to encourage people to commit to or enhance good works throughout the year to bringing light and love to lift up others and ourselves. For more information on labyrinths go to Veriditas, The Labyrinth Society...

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Can You Hear What I Hear?

Can You Hear What I Hear?

Sometimes change happens as quickly as flipping a light switch. One moment it's dark. A second later brightness fills the room. Other changes creep up so subtly that it's hard to notice them at all. That's what happened to my hearing acuity. It probably started years...

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Community Playthings – go Outside and Play!

Here is a great link to Community Playthings an organization that encourages families, grandparents and kids to do cool activities outside all year!  Read their blog "Bundle Up and Get Outside." Winding Pathways will soon a feature a guest blogger's adventures with...

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Catalogs: Think Spring in Winter’s Depth

Catalogs: Think Spring in Winter’s Depth

Note:  Winding Pathways is not paid by companies we feature nor do we receive any free material goods.  We simply have had great results with their products in our yard.   Although most of the United States is still in the grip of winter, cold weather makes thinking...

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$100 – Welcome Christmas Spirit!

$100 – Welcome Christmas Spirit!

A guest Blog by Larry Paulsen of Ogden and Adams: "I have a unique story I’d like to share. This happened just a month ago. I own a lumberyard here in Cedar Rapids and I do most of the buying of the materials we sell. I have gained some great friendships over the many...

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Best Chicken Breeds for Backyard Flocks

Best Chicken Breeds for Backyard Flocks

Mid-winter is a perfect time to order baby chicks to arrive in the mail as the weather warms in spring. Homeowners can create an international flock of six hens that will be fun to keep and produce many delicious eggs. Many hatcheries allow customers to order a...

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