Welcome to Winding Pathways







Winding Pathways encourages you to create a wonderous yard, whether that yard is an expansive acreage, a suburban lot or a condominium balcony. Go outside and play!

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Polar Vortex Labyrinth Lessons

Polar Vortex Labyrinth Lessons

My daily labyrinth walk on Wednesday, January 30, 2019, in the middle of the Polar Vortex coughed up several lessons. In spite of the bitterly cold morning, the snowshoes strap that slipped off and glasses that fogged up, it was a great walk!  Nothing I want to...

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Screaming Down Pokagon State Park’s Toboggan Run

Screaming Down Pokagon State Park’s Toboggan Run

In December 2018 we spent a delightful two days in and around Pokagon State Park.  It’s a great place to visit………..and scream like we did as we zipped down their famous toboggan run at nearly 40 miles an hour.   Read about the Park and Steuben County in our travel...

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Keeping Binoculars Handy

Keeping Binoculars Handy

We celebrated the first day of 2019 with a drive in the country. An inch of crusty snow had fallen a few nights earlier, and the countryside looked wintry. Wildlife seemed tucked in on this frosty morning, but as we rounded a gravel road’s bend, we spotted 20 huge...

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Wood Stove Woes

Wood Stove Woes

When we bought our first home back in 1979, we soon installed a new wood stove.  It was a Lange brand made in Denmark. The stove kept our home toasty warm the next 30 winters.  When we moved to Winding Pathways, we had to leave our trusty Lange at the old...

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How Do You Track Animals in Winter?

How Do You Track Animals in Winter?

When the next soft snow falls, go tracking outside!  A late December 2019 skiff of snow delighted us. There was not enough of the white stuff to shovel but the thin white blanket that covered our yard revealed who visited the night before. The dimples of deer tracks...

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2018 Labyrinth Pilgrimages

2018 Labyrinth Pilgrimages

Sunrise, sunset Sunrise, sunset Swiftly fly the years One season following another Laden with happiness and tears (Fiddler on the Roof) As 2018 draws to a close and different cultures celebrate traditions near and dear to their hearts, I take pause and reflect on this...

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“Go Outside and Play!”

“Go Outside and Play!”

“Let’s play outside!”  For baby boomers, that was something we said and did every day.  Driving slowly through neighborhoods was a must in those days because the yards and streets were literally full of kids.  We played outside after school and on weekends, 365 days a...

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Boxelder Bugs

Boxelder Bugs

Lots of boxelder bugs are traipsing through homes this winter to the consternation of human occupants. We reluctantly share our home with a few during cold months. This amazingly common and crafty insect is a true bug named for common boxelder tree. You don't have to...

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Three Critical Emergency Items

Three Critical Emergency Items

Note: Our comments are personal observations. We have not been paid by any company to review their products. Wildfires in California. Hurricanes along the coast. Blizzards and tornadoes everywhere.  In this era of climate change every household should prepare for long...

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Mice!  Keeping them Out of the House

Mice! Keeping them Out of the House

After a balmy fall, the television weather report promised near record cold and snow in three or four days. Mice don’t have televisions but somehow, they knew this because several of the tiny mammals successfully entered our house just before cold arrived. One...

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Glacier Advances to Winding Pathways

Glacier Advances to Winding Pathways

A modern glacier visited Winding Pathways in October. Our area of Iowa doesn’t have much rock. There’s limestone bedrock in some places. Over the top is a thick layer of subsoil and topsoil with one exception. Glacial erratics. Thousands of years ago the Upper Midwest...

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Monarchs On Their Way South

Monarchs On Their Way South

This past summer we enjoyed watching many monarch butterflies flutter over our prairie labyrinth. Numbers were way up from last year. These intrepid insects are now en route to wintering grounds in Mexico. We look forward to their return next year. Monarchs suffered...

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Hearing Aids Help Enjoy Wildlife

Hearing Aids Help Enjoy Wildlife

A tiny migrating warbler changed my life.  As I sat on my back deck a few springs ago a tiny bird landed on a twig about ten feet in front of me. I could see it singing but couldn’t hear a thing. Military Training and Hearing Loss My hearing loss probably started as...

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