The distant view and the feel are “Hot August Days.” The near view and sounds are mid-May. With this hot weather, the trees have popped, the fruit trees are in full bloom, and the early garden plants emerging after the cooler and damp weather. We may break a century-old heat record today.
Two days ago we had the woodstove running. Now the air conditioner!
Notice the haze in the distance and the sun rising in the east – still six weeks from the Summer Solstice. Humidity levels are high. Winds are calmer after the front blew in.
The trees show emerging leaves and catkins. Insects work the fruit trees and low-growing spring flowers.
Birds are everywhere singing, courting, mating, and building nests. Amazing transformation in two days.
- Deeply cut leaves of the false rue anemone.
- going at $8.00 per gallon at wineries, picking blooms from safe places is good income.
- the oak popped out in one day with the heat.
- birds forage in emerging buds.
We are way ahead of you. The peaches are already forming on the branches. the bulb flowers have finished their spring fling as have the dogwoods and redbuds. Currently the rain and humid weather have drifted from east to west which is unusual for this time of year…it happens when a tropical storm is brewing…but not this early in the season. So we hope that all we have is rain and no tornadoes.
Finally, we have some small peaches. Hot weather and wind seemed to hurt the development.