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Winding Pathways encourages you to create a wonderous yard, whether that yard is an expansive acreage, a suburban lot or a condominium balcony. Go outside and play!

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Is Greta Thunberg Wrong?

Greta Thunberg, the 16 year old Swedish girl, overcame challenges posed by autism to sail across the ocean and encourage people everywhere to work to reduce damage to the atmosphere and resulting climate change. She is inspiring, but is she wrong? Greta’s commitment...

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Why Is An Acorn Crop Erratic?

Why Is An Acorn Crop Erratic?

Delicious, Erratic Acorns Our back deck at Winding Pathways is an outstanding vantage point for watching butterflies, birds, and even our evening aerialist bats. The deck is perched over a deep, cool ravine with a stately black oak hovering above. That can be a...

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When do Birds Fly South?

When do Birds Fly South?

Swapping Birds All summer we’ve watched and listened to wren couples who built nests and raised young in our yard.  An Indigo Bunting welcomed each summer morning with his song and serenaded the evening until dark.  Early this spring, we marveled at the brilliantly...

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How Does a Broody Hen Teach Her Babies?

How Does a Broody Hen Teach Her Babies?

We were delighted when our Lavender Orpington hen started acting strangely. She fluffed up her feathers, spent most of her time in a nest box, and gave us a stern warning call if we came too close. She was broody. A broody hen simply wants to be a mother. Her ambition...

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Walking Labyrinths

Walking Labyrinths

Spring and summer have been great for walking labyrinths. Catch up with what has happened at the Phoenix Harmony Labyrinth since snowmelt. On your travels check out The Labyrinth Locator to find labyrinths along your path. Read more on the wonderment tab of Winding...

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Fireflies and Milkweed Walk

Fireflies and Milkweed Walk

Lights twinkled in the yard and labyrinth. The faint perfume of milkweed wafted up in the still, hot, early summer air. Calling. Calling. We had arrived home at dusk after a long journey home from the East. Still in “travel mode” we unpacked the car and put away most...

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Why Do Trees Fall on Calm Days?

Why Do Trees Fall on Calm Days?

Early one May afternoon we arrived home, glanced into the woods past our property, and were astonished to see an enormous red oak on the ground. The tree looked healthy, solid, and unlikely to topple, but it fell on a clear calm day. On its way down the old veteran...

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What Synanthropes Live Near You?

What Synanthropes Live Near You?

What is a Synanthrope? People are surrounded by synanthropes. It’s a long and obscure word that is descriptive of hundreds of wild plants and animals. A synanthropic species is one that benefits from and lives close to people. Essentially, if people disappeared these...

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What is a Weed?

What is a Weed?

Weeds Brighten Our Lawn Too many people worry about lawn weeds and spend money to buy and spray toxic chemicals. We take a different view. What many call weeds are actually beneficial and we find fascinating. The often-uninvited plants that diversify our lawn connect...

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