May’s first few weeks are the most delightful time to be outdoors. Warm days combine with the delicious scent of spring. It’s the peak time for birds that wintered far to the south to either settle in to nest or briefly rest and eat before winging further north. Their songs fill the air.
Early May awakens plants, and in early May Rich discovered a treasure. It was an oak sprout that seemed to have “hope” written all over its new soft green leaves.

The seedling radiated hope.
Winding Pathways adjoins Faulkes Heritage Woods, an area of sloping land bordered by homes on the south and Indian Creek to the north. Last August 10th a derecho bearing 140 miles an hour wind tore through Iowa. Neither Winding Pathways nor Faulkes Woods was spared. Trees, many of them enormous, either snapped off or uprooted, leaving a scene many called “devastation.”
At first, that seemed like an apt description, and the woods looked ravaged all winter. Rebirth comes with spring. While sitting on a fallen log Rich looked down to see a tiny white oak sprout. It just seemed to say, “Hi, here I am ready to grow.”
Oaks thrive on sunshine, and with big trees now felled on the ground, light floods the soil to energize the leaves of the baby oak and other seedlings. Gradually the old tree will decompose. Its wood will add nutrients to the soil to be appreciated by the youngsters.
Nature has amazing resiliency. One just needs to look to see it.
So good to see that oak seedling by the fallen tree. Someday decades from now it will be the giant in the woods.
I marvel at how a tiny seed like the maple seeds that spin off my tree out back in the spring become a sprout for a new tree. I save sprouts and take to the master gardeners plant sale in April hoping that someone else will enjoy watching as it becomes a tree. My sprout took 18 years to become a massive tree towering over my Cape Cod home.