This blog is compliments of Teri P, who chose to walk the Laughing Labyrinth during a reflection time in the Usui Holy Fire Reiki I Workshop.

“The sun had been out earlier in the morning. Now at 1 p.m. the day was turning into yet one more of those gray Iowa winter days we know all too well. But the temperature was 15 degrees above zero, which seemed balmy after the below zero days we had just endured. The Laughing Labyrinth was partially hidden below six inches of snow; thankfully there were some clues to the path – dried perennials, sculptures and some visible staking. Someone had been there before me. Deer had followed some of the circuits and then cut across the rest, leaving their tracks as a sort of “Naa- naa we don’t have to stay inside the lines” remark.

“This was my second time in the Laughing Labyrinth. I picked up my turkey feather, rang the bell and declared my intention out loud. “Bring me good energy to use in the afternoon Reiki training.”  I began the circuit and wondered if I could figure out where the seven circuits began and ended. I decided that wasn’t the most important thing for today. Being there was. “Close” would have to count. I needed to walk fairly quickly, the others would be waiting for me to resume the training. “Good energy” was my mantra. One foot: “good”, the other: “energy”.  I wondered if I looked like someone slogging through the mud? The snow was deeper than I thought and I was glad for my tall boots; but I was breathing hard after the first circuit. I did five circuits before I reached the center, losing two along the way. The Center holds a good sized magnolia tree – and I was surprised to see some fuzzy little buds at the end of the branches. Are they waiting for spring or left over from last year? I do not know.

“I rested briefly there, allowing my mind to wander to the spiritual journey that has brought me here. I thought about my friend Diane, a college friend and fellow architect who died 10 years ago from some disease I can never pronounce. She was the person I chose in the morning mediation as someone who inspired me. She was always positive no matter what. We had shared so much. I wondered if she would be laughing now, she loved to laugh, at me taking Reiki training.  I decide she would approve and that she might be just the one to send me some extra energy. On the way out of the labyrinth, I felt good.  Excited. Strong.

“I rang the bell again, and thanked Diane for her laughter.”