Nearly everyone who feeds birds across the eastern United States enjoys luring

The tufted titmouse is a year round resident in much of the Eastern United States. It’s late winter call is a sure sign of spring.
the black capped chickadee, white breasted nuthatch, downy woodpecker, goldfinch, and cardinal to the yard. All are fascinating nonmigrating birds of deciduous forests and suburbia. We love all these birds but especially enjoy the tufted titmouse.
The titmouse also loves living in suburban areas and wooded places. It’s a homebody that doesn’t migrate, so they can be seen all year. However,titmice are most commonly spotted when visiting feeders for meals of sunflower seeds.
The titmouse has a more limited range than chickadees or nuthatches. At Winding Pathways in Eastern Iowa we are near the northern and western edge of their range. From Iowa they range east to the Atlantic Ocean and south from New England to the Gulf of Mexico.
A titmouse has a surprisingly loud voice for such a small bird. We enjoy hearing them as we walk in our yard. To learn more about this beautiful bird, and to enjoy its song go to the Cornell University Laboratory of Ornithology’s website.