Artful Dodgers
Walking one of Cedar Rapids’ trails sometimes is like a skier racing a slalom course. Instead of weaving between flags, pedestrians must dodge piles of goose poop.
It wasn’t always that way. Before the mid-1980s few geese lived in town. Cedar Rapids began restoring them. About 125 of the giant birds were released near downtown. Few predators pester them and are they prolific! A goose couple can live for decades and raise upwards of a dozen goslings a year. That is a lot of geese!
Geese Mixed Blessing
Canada geese are a blessing. We love hearing “goose music” as they wing over our house. Watching such attentive parents teach their babies to swim and find food is great fun.
Canada geese are a curse, mostly because there are so many of them and they enjoy living, and pooping, in town. Their droppings are more than a walking nuisance. Loaded with nitrates and bacteria, they stimulate algae growth, lowering water quality.
- We enjoy the haunting call of geese on the wing.
- Geese love short grass
Geese Requirements
Geese love water but don’t need massive remote lakes. They prefer the dozens of small ponds at golf courses, corporate and school campuses, and parks. A lawnmower is a goose’s best friend. Well, maybe not a mower, but close-cropped lawns have tiny tender grass shoots that make fine goose dining. Running a mower down to a pond’s edge creates goose paradise. And problems for landowners.
People sometimes put snarling coyote mannequins near their pond to scare the big birds. It might work for a minute or two, but geese are smart. They figure out it’s a fake and nibble tender grass right under the phony predator.
How to Discourage Geese
Some cities reduce goose numbers by locating their nests, shaking the eggs to kill the embryos, which is called addling, or coating the eggs with oil so they won’t hatch. It may work to reduce flock size, but geese are protected by federal and state laws. Destroying eggs without a permit is illegal.
Legal Tricks
Here are less lethal and legal tricks that work, at least to some degree to discourage geese:
- Hold the chow. Folks love tossing stale bread to waterfowl, but it just encourages the crowding of the pesky birds.
- Stow the mower and let the grass grow. Geese shun tall grass. Even better, plant tall prairie grasses near the water’s edge.
- Fence ‘em out. For some reason geese don’t usually cross even small low barriers they could hop or fly over. A fence of lightweight plastic pipe set parallel to the edge of the water may discourage them from entering small areas.
We’ve got them. Geese are fellow city residents. We need to coexist, but a few simple tricks can discourage them from certain areas while still letting us enjoy delightful goose music as they wing overhead.
The Canada geese have winged their way to warmer climes. There aren’t nearly as many here as I remember in years past. They also aren’t having the huge numbers of goslings as once. I do love listening to them honk their way overhead when they fly from one pond to another in the spring and summer. In the autumn their flights south/southwest let us know that soon winter will follow. There was a small flock of about a dozen hanging around the pond a week or so ago, but since we’ve been hit with snow storms and frigid temperatures,
they are no longer here in southwest Virginia.
Always fun to hear them. there is a poem about the geese and winging over head.